Enneagram type 7

The enneagram type 7 will be the adventure lovers. Moreover, they're outgoing people with spontaneous nature. Furthermore, they love interactions with new people and make amazing bonds with them. However, they love building new relationships. Enneagram type 7 are adventurous kinds of men and women and live to explore the world's hidden secrets.

Personality traits

Enneagram type 7 has diversified personality traits which are as under:

●      Basic fear

Enneagram 7 always wants to enjoy life, and they don't wish to miss any exciting thing in their life. However, enneagram 7 never commits to an idea and eagerly waits for something much better. Besides, unhealthy enneagram 7 can't give attention to an activity when it is hard. However, if something is exciting, they will instantly grab the opportunity.

●      Basic desire

Enneagram 7 features a basic want to be full-filled, stimulated, and excited. Even more, they have pre-planned goals which are thrilling and exciting. Without doubt, enneagram 7 is going to do everything which makes them excited and experience new things.


Enneagram type 7 are highly adventurous individuals who love exciting challenges. They're afraid of life when it becomes less exciting. Besides, they love exploring new things and always love trying exciting things. Their plans are full of challenges and excitement.
